Here's a summary table based on the most comprehensive and maintained lists of RISC-V implementations:
- Alex Bradbury compiled a list of commercially available RISC-V silicons 1 (last updated 2023-03-31).
- Aleksander Krimsky maintains a list of all commercially available RISC-V single-board computers 2 (last updated 2024-05-01).
- RISC-V Wikipedia page 3 (last updated 2024-05-24).
- RISC FIVE forum 4 (last updated: 2023-03-09).
The list does not contain boards where the RISC-V block is not the main core (e.g., coprocessors).
Download: hardware.csv
Alex Bradbury, “Commercially available RISC-V silicon,” Muxup. https://muxup.com/2023q1/commercially-available-risc-v-silicon. ↩
Aleksander Krimsky, “RISC-V Single Board Computers,” Krimsky.net. http://krimsky.net/articles/riscvsbc.html. ↩
“RISC-V,” Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RISC-V, May 2024. ↩
farseer, “RISC-V – RISC-V Forum and Help,” RISC-V. https://www.riscfive.com/. ↩