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Here's a summary table based on the most comprehensive and maintained lists of RISC-V implementations:

  • Alex Bradbury compiled a list of commercially available RISC-V silicons 1 (last updated 2023-03-31).
  • Aleksander Krimsky maintains a list of all commercially available RISC-V single-board computers 2 (last updated 2024-05-01).
  • RISC-V Wikipedia page 3 (last updated 2024-05-24).
  • RISC FIVE forum 4 (last updated: 2023-03-09).

The list does not contain boards where the RISC-V block is not the main core (e.g., coprocessors).

Download: hardware.csv

ISA Custom Extensions Processor Manufacturer Core Platform Sources Die Photo Example Board
RV32IMAC FE310 SiFive SiFive E31 Rocket HiFive 1 Rev B
RV32IMAC GD32VF103 GigaDevice Nuclei Bumblebee N200 Nuclei Sipeed Longan Nano
RV32IMC ✔ GAP8 GreenWaves PULP Wiki GAPuino
RV32IMC ✔ GAP9 GreenWaves PULP Wiki GAP9 EVK
RV32I+V RH850/U2B Renesas DENSO DR1000C Closed
RV32IMC ✔ R9A02G020 Renesas AndesCore N22 Closed R9A02G020-EVK
RV32IMC ESP32-C3 Espressif Unknown Closed 1, 2, 3, ...
RV32IMC ESP32-C2 Espressif Unknown Closed pic
RV32IMAC ESP32-C6 Espressif Unknown Closed
RV32IM nan Hi3861 (discontinued) HiSilicon Unknown Closed Hi3861
RV32GC+P ✔ BL616/BL618 (discontinued?) Bouffalo Lab Unknown Closed Sipeed M0S
RV32IMAFC nan BL602/BL604 Bouffalo Lab SiFive E24 Closed Pinecone
RV32? nan AB32VG1 Bluetrum Unknown Closed AB32VG1 nan
RV32IMAC+F nan CH583/CH582/CH581 WCH Unknown Closed CH583M nan
... ... ... ... ... ...
RV64GC JH7100 StarFive SiFive U74 Rocket + BOOM VisionFive
RV64GC ❔ JH7110 StarFive SiFive U74 Rocket + BOOM Pine64 Star64
RV64GC+V Alibaba T-Head TH1520 XuanTie XuanTie C910 C910 BeagleV®-Ahead

  1. Alex Bradbury, “Commercially available RISC-V silicon,” Muxup. 

  2. Aleksander Krimsky, “RISC-V Single Board Computers,” 

  3. “RISC-V,” Wikipedia., May 2024. 

  4. farseer, “RISC-V – RISC-V Forum and Help,” RISC-V.